The Dish with One Spoon

An agreement grounded in Indigenous legal traditions, the Dish with One Spoon is one of several Wampum that commemorate the relationship between the Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Today it is held up by Indigenous Peoples in Toronto as peace agreement between the Anishinaabek and Haudensaunee. It is also widely cited (and admired) for the reciprocal responsibilities with all of creation that it foregrounds, a reading that draws on the land as a dish to be shared and cared for to ensure ongoing sustenance and life - a metaphor that is part of many Indigenous knowledge systems.
An agreement grounded in Indigenous legal traditions, the Dish with One Spoon is one of several Wampum that commemorate the relationship between the Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Today it is held up by Indigenous Peoples in Toronto as peace agreement between the Anishinaabek and Haudensaunee. It is also widely cited (and admired) for the reciprocal responsibilities with all of creation that it foregrounds, a reading that draws on the land as a dish to be shared and cared for to ensure ongoing sustenance and life - a metaphor that is part of many Indigenous knowledge systems.